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Mastering HotSpot SEO - A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Your SEO Overview Report

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21 Sep 2024



Mastering HotSpot SEO - A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Your SEO Overview Report

If SEO has ever been perplexing to you, then perhaps, HotSpot SEO makes it easier by providing all the necessary aspects with which you can evaluate your website’s performance. For a beginner in SEO, it is very essential to know what each feature on our dashboard stands for, in order to make proper decisions for the enhancement of the website. Here you will see the main features you can find on the dashboard of HotSpot SEO and how to leverage them in this guide.


1. Reports Overview: Your SEO at a Glance

The report's overview gives the user a general idea about the overall SEO of the website. This section is where all the most important and defining indicators of your site’s performance are found, including health scores and uptime.

You will also get the result section whereby you can find the summary of issues, warnings, and notices that need attention as will be explained below.

Pro Tip: This way get a general feel or SEO health check, and determine which area requires intervention in the shortest time possible, based on our overview section.

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2. Issues, Warnings, and Notices: Prioritizing Actionable Insights

HotSpot SEO divides potential problems into three categories: Issues, Warnings, and Notices.

  • Issues are critical errors that significantly impact your site’s performance, such as broken links, missing metadata, or large images that slow down page speed.

  • Warnings indicate areas that could cause future problems, such as slightly slow page load times or unoptimized content.

  • Notices are recommendations for improving performance but are less critical. These could include minor enhancements like adding alt text to images or optimizing keyword usage.

Pro Tip: Always address Issues first, as these directly impact your SEO ranking. Then, work through Warnings to preempt potential problems, and lastly, refine your site based on Notices.

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3. Health Score: Monitoring Your Website's Progress Over Time

Your health score is an essential indicator of your site’s overall SEO health. It determines the number of issues, warnings, and notices that are found and gives you a clear percentage of the optimization level of your website.

There is also an option for the health score history for tracking the health changes from the betterment to the deterioration. This historical data is helpful for analyzing the effectiveness of current SEO processes.

ProTip: Take advantage of the historical data that is accumulated by your Health Score to assess the changes that were made to your site, such as a content update, technical updates, or performance fixes. Regular SEO audits are crucial to maintaining this data, as explained in our article on why regular audits with the best SEO checker are essential.
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4.Uptime/Downtime Graph: Ensuring website Availability

There is no doubt that one of the most important components of the overview dashboard comprises the Uptime/Downtime Graph. This graph represents the percentage of your website’s availability within a specified time frame and illustrates how often your site can be accessed by the users and the spiders.

It turns out that even the uptime of the website is a direct factor in determining your SEO ranking. Google prefers or ranks websites that are always available online and if your website is frequently offline, your ranking will be affected.

ProTip: Remember to also monitor your losses or your downtime. This means that even a few hours of the website being offline each month can mean a big hit to your traffic and SEO ranking.

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5. Page Response Time: Ensuring Fast Load Time

Under the page response time section, you can see details regarding how fast your page loads for the users. Slow website not only affects the users and their loyal patronage but also your search engine ranking. HotSpot SEO offers you response times and general metrics on any possibilities of a bottleneck in your site.

6.Recent Reports: Track Changes in Real-Time

The recent reportsfeature shows the latest updates on your website's SEO performance, including newly detected issues, warnings, and changes in your health score or uptime. This section is essential for keeping an eye on real-time shifts in your website's performance and addressing them as they arise.

ProTip: Regularly review your recent reports to catch new issues early. Set a weekly reminder to evaluate these reports so you can act before problems become more severe.


With this knowledge of the elements in HotSpot SEO, you are now a step closer to being capable of assessing your site’s SEO. These insights should be revisited time and again so that you can make the appropriate decisions that can enhance or stabilize the health of the website in relation to its SEO.

Whether you are a novice or an expert-level SEO person, this is the roadmap on how to make further developments towards better site visibility, you remain on the right track always.