20 Jun 2023
When we talk about search engines, the best bet is always Google. However, there are multiple other alternatives to Google that are less known but are equally great. Let’s find out what they offer.
The list to alternative search engines is as follows:
Duck Duck Go
Baidu StartPage
Microsoft Bing
Bing is the biggest search engine in terms of traffic after Google. This versatile search engine provides features such as currency conversion, translation, flight tracking, and others similar to Google.
Duck Duck Go is quite a popular search engine among those who love their privacy. It’s the search engine that doesn’t track each and every query you are putting on. Duck Duck Go has a cleaner interface with minimum ads and infinite scrolling. All these things help build the user experience too.
The Yahoo search engine is yet another great search engine that’s been widely used globally. It has been around for an even longer time than Google. Yahoo is also the default search engine for some major browsers such as Firefox. One of the coolest things about Yahoo is that it offers a lot more than just a search engine. It is integrated with Yahoo Finance, Flickr, and Yahoo Answers.
70% of the Chinese internet market is using Baidu which makes it the biggest search engine in the Country. The biggest attribute of the search engine is that it only indexes simplified Chinese characters. The biggest drawback of Baidu is that it’s heavily censored. Certain websites and even images are blocked by the search engine.
A bit similar to Duck Duck Go, the StartPage is developed keeping in mind the privacy of users. It doesn't store or track any of your data, and it claims itself to be the world’s most private search engine. Well, that’s just a small overview of the major search engines around the world. You can try some for yourself, and you never know, you might find your new favorite search engine. Let’s give them a try folks.