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4 Ways To Improve User Experience

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Ways To Improve User Experience

27 Jun 2023



4 Ways To Improve User Experience

Bringing in the traffic is one thing and making people buy/make action on your site is another. Have you ever wondered why you are not getting sales even after having good traffic? Do you want to understand what’s causing your traffic to bounce without conversion? Let’s dig deeper into it; here are the 4 unbeatable ways to improve the user experience of your website. 

Speed it up! 

Speed your website up. It’s vital to speed up the site in today’s era. It not only helps in improving the user experience, but it also helps with a lesser bounce rate. 

Around 80% of people say that they do not prefer purchasing products from sites that load slowly. Around half of the online audience says that they like websites that load in less than 2 seconds. 

Make it good for mobile devices 

A bigger percentage of people across the globe are using smartphone devices, and hence it's vital to make sure the accessibility of your website is great via mobile phones. 

Play around with Call-to-Actions 

Play around with the CTAs! But before you do that, make sure to analyze the primary function of the call-to-actions you are optimizing your site for. Once you know what exact action you want the user to take, you can go for A/B testing a few different approaches and understand what’s working best for you. 

Heat it up, track it up 

Install Hotjar or a similar tool on your web pages, this will help you understand the movement of a user. These heatmaps will help you understand what’s hot on your page and what's the most clicked element. Analyzing the data and implementing the changes based on the data will help you a lot with improving your website’s and web page’s user experience. 

Learning how to improve user experience could be daunting, but making sure the above 4 points are taken care of will make your website ready to fly!