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25 Aug 2023



Improve SEO | Fix Index Errors with Website Analyzer Tool

Website owners and SEO specialists can use Google Search Console (GSC) as a potent tool to track and improve their website's performance in Google search results. The Index Coverage report from GSC, which offers insightful information on how Google crawls and indexes your website, is an essential feature. The visibility and rating of your website on search engine results pages (SERPs) can be enhanced by locating and correcting index coverage problems. We'll examine how to identify and correct index coverage mistakes to improve your SEO performance in this in-depth article.

Understanding Index Coverage Errors

Pages that Google has trouble crawling, indexing, or displaying in search results are indicated by index coverage issues in GSC. The visibility and overall search rankings of your website may suffer because of these mistakes. Typical index coverage mistakes include:

"Submitted URL not selected as Canonical": Google has chosen another URL to serve as the Canonical version, which could lead to problems with duplicate content.

"Indexed, but robots are blocking it. Text": They prevent the robots from crawling and indexing a certain set of pages or a text file.

"Submitted URL marked 'noindex'": Google excludes pages with the "noindex" directive from its index.

Accessing The Index Coverage Report

Follow these procedures to view the Index Coverage report in GSC:

a) Access your Google Search Console profile.

b) From the dashboard, choose the required website property.

c) From the left-hand menu, select "Index" and then "Coverage."

Finding Index Coverage Errors: The Index Coverage report will list all errors, warnings, and valid pages in alphabetical order. Focus on the "Error" area to pinpoint and rank and repair important problems. Pay close attention to the report's list of affected pages and error explanations.

Errors In Index Coverage Are Frequently Fixed By

· Resolution for "Submitted URL not selected as canonical"

· Make sure that each page's canonical tags are set to the chosen version.

· By employing distinct URLs and canonical tags, we can avoid duplicate content.

a) Respond To The Message "Indexed, But Blocked By Robots.TXt"

Check your robots.txt file to make sure no essential pages are unintentionally denied. Validate and test your robots. Using the "robots.TXT Tester" in GSC, a text file.

b) Fix "Submitted URL Marked 'Noindex'"

Look for meta tags with the "noindex" directive in your website's code and delete them from important pages.

Check your CMS settings twice to prevent accidental "noindex" directives.

Resubmitting Sitemap And Fetching As Google

Resubmit your XML sitemap to Google Search Console after correcting the index coverage problems. This process speeds up Google's crawl and reindexing of your revised pages. You can ask Google to immediately crawl certain URLs by using the "Fetch as Google" function in GSC.

Monitor And Verify Fixes

Keep a close check on the Index Coverage report after making the adjustments to ensure that the problems have been fixed. It can take some time for Google to refresh its index and re-crawl your website. Be patient, and the changes will eventually become apparent.

In conclusion

The Index Coverage report in Google Search Console is a crucial website analyzer tool for locating and fixing potential problems that can impair the performance of your website on search engine results pages. You may improve the visibility, organic traffic, and general SEO effectiveness of your website by routinely checking for and correcting index coverage problems. Keep in mind that SEO is a continuous process, and being watchful with Google Search Console can help you improve your search rankings over the long term.